Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another beautiful weekend

The Robbins family enjoyed our first official week of fall with beautiful weather, friends and football.

Unfortunately, with the current gas situation, we did not get a chance to see Oma and Grandpa's new house this weekend, but as soon as we know we could make it without running out of gas on the side of the road, we will be there! Seriously, it is like we live in a different time period watching all the cars in line to get gas.

This weekend was filled with all sorts of exciting football games (with the Buckeyes doing well..yippee). The kids made smores thanks to the Struchtemeyers, and we were able to enjoy the weather outside while Hannah and Hayden played with their friends.

October is just around the corner and sure to be filled with all sorts of fall activities (if we can get gas)...along with birthdays, Disney and Halloween!

1 comment:

Bonnie Jackson said...

We mad esmores this weekend too with Bo's funny. Great minds think alike!! Have a great day!!